Spolchemie helps fight coronavirus
Euro Chlor Czech member Spolchemie received an exemption from the Ministry of Health for the production of insufficient disinfection in an emergency in the entire Ústí nad Labem region, and immediately after obtaining alcohol from an external supplier, responded with the production of 24,000 litres of alcohol disinfectant. “We immediately offered our disinfection to those most in need in the first line - authorities, municipalities, social and health care facilities throughout the Ústí nad Labem region. Many of them have shown interest and the first disinfection was shipped in the first week of April, ”explained Daniel Tamchyna, the company's CEO.
In addition, researchers from the Synpo subsidiary helped to develop special protective masks that work on the principle of the so-called photoactive dye. Their introduction into production is carried out by the company Inotex, which thus produces a special fabric for further processing into drapes. The invention consists of a special photoactive dye based on phthalocyanine, which after irradiation with ordinary daylight and from common light sources briefly generates reactive oxygen species. This protects these mouthpieces from unwanted pollutants. Approximately one kilogramme of dye produces a kilometre of fabric, enabling the sewing of 40,000 protective drapes. Click here for the full information (in Czech).