Covestro provides aid in Coronavirus crisis
Covestro is strengthening its commitment to containing the global coronavirus pandemic with in-kind and money donations. Thus, Covestro provides raw materials for the production of products such as medial devices, safety goggles for medical staff and hospital mattresses. These are supplied to health and care facilities in the vicinity of the plants in numerous countries. Since the beginning of the crisis, Covestro has been continuously monitoring the development of the situation and attaches the highest priority to protecting its employees and their families worldwide. In addition, the company has implemented a number of direct measures in recent weeks to provide local support to health and care facilities. Below are just a few of the ways that Covestro is helping to fight the pandemic in Europe:
- Donations of medical supplies to health care facilities
- Donation of material for the production of protective eyewear for University Hospital of Erlangen
- Donation of face masks to the city of Leverkusen
- Employee donations campaign
- Donation to hospital in Bergamo
- Donations to several hospitals to purchase urgently needed equipment
- Donation of material for the production of hospital mattresses
In order to continue to relieve the burden on medical facilities and other affected areas and thus support the massive efforts to contain the coronavirus, Covestro is also providing its existing know-how and innovative materials, for instance for the use of 3D printing technology. This also includes freely accessible software for 3D printing of mask holders, which improves the wearability of medical safety masks
More information available at and an overview of measures and initiatives taken by Covestro for the direct containment of the coronavirus can be found at