Vestolit (Mexichem) hosts youth science competition
Euro Chlor member Vestolit (Mexichem) is today hosting an event as part of an annual German youth research competition.
“Jugend forscht”, the German youth science competition and one of the biggest in the world, this year features the theme of “Ask yourself!". More than 12,000 young people have responded to this call, using scientific and technical methods to find answers to their own questions and register 6,617 research projects - more than ever in the 54-year history of Jugend forscht.
For this year's regional competition in Marl on 22nd February 2019, co-organised by Vestolit,112 young researchers registered to present 54 exciting and innovative projects in the seven youth research areas. 21 of these projects came from the younger category of students under 14 years old.
This morning Vestolit opened its doors to the public from 10:30 - 12:00 to find out about the individual projects. More information (in German) can be found at