Cefic visit to member DOW in Stade
On 9th January, Marco Mensink, Director General of Cefic, Marleen Pauwels, Euro Chlor's new Executive Director and Dolf van Wijk, Euro Chlor's previous Executive Director, who retired at the end of last year, visited DOW's Stade factory in northern Germany. They were joined by Andrew Jones, DOW's Global Business Director Chlor-Alkali & Vinyl, PO/PG and regional President UK & Ireland and other senior members of DOW Stade management.
The visit included a tour of the Stade site, presentations on Cefic, Euro Chlor and DOW developments and a discussion on challenges and opportunities related to a low-carbon future. This included regulatory developments related to the chlor-alkali and vinyl (CAV) industry and trends in energy policies.
Euro Chlor has just taken over the secretariat of the World Chlorine Council for two years, which covers more than 80% of all trade associations and major producers globally. Andrew Jones from Dow will be the chair, succeeding John McIntosh from Olin.
Back row left to right: Stephan Engel, Birgit Fischer, Marco Mensink, Claudia Paarmann, Jörg Schmitz, Sascha Noormann, Dolf van Wijk, Martin Offermann, Rolf Nettersheim, Corinna Weyts
Front row left to right: Andrew Jones, Bridget Sparrow, Marleen Pauwels, Dieter Schnepel