Members receive top awards for Environmental and Safety efforts
As part of its 2017 Cefic General Assembly in Vienna, the European Chemical Industry Association recognised Solvay SA and AkzoNobel for their achievements in environmentally responsible and safe production as part of the Responsible Care awards.
This year, two Euro Chlor member companies received the awards with AkzoNobel (NL) achieving the Environment Responsibility Award for their partnership approach to develop new value chains that enable substantial carbon footprint reductions in energy use. Meanwhile, Solvay SA (BE) received the Special Award for their outstanding environmental management system (Solvay Care Management System; SCMS) that covers risk areas such as occupational safety, process safety, the environment, industrial hygiene, occupational health, product stewardship, and transport. Total Refining and Chemicals (FR) also received an award.
Marco Mensink, the Cefic Director General noted: “Continuously striving for the highest standards in safety, health and environment is a priority for our industry. We commend this year’s winners for their efforts and innovative approaches to challenging best practices and finding ways for our industry to keep raising the bar.“
The Responsible Care awards commend those EU chemical companies that excel in the areas of health, safety and environmental standards. The awards were launched by Cefic in 2004 to identify excellence across the industry and further boost best practices.
More information can be found on the Cefic website.