ANWIL receives EU funding for innovative project
Polish PVC manufacturer and Euro Chlor member, ANWIL has received EU funding to research innovative ways to increase the fire resistance of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
In co-operation with the Central Mining Institute (GIG) and Lodz University of Technology, the company hopes that their application will contribute to an increased fire safety in cable and wire coatings.
Approximately 31% of all European chlorine produced goes to make PVC with one of polyvinyl chloride’s key uses being for the production of insulation for electric cables and wires. These coatings can quickly burn however during high-temperature fires unless they contain useful fire resisting substances. ANWIL's current project, aims to develop ceramic films around polyvinyl chloride cable sheaths to enhance such flame retardancy. Indeed, it is thought that such protective layers may be resistant to temperatures of even 1000oC!
Lasting for 36 months, the project has received nearly 825,000 PLN (~191,000 EUR) to prepare such ceramic composites as part of the EU 2014-2020 Smart Development Operational Programme.
More information is available on the ANWIL website.