Vestolit promotes Young Science and Technology at Research Competition.
Member company Vestolit recently hosted a very successful part of the German Jugend forscht (Youth research) event in Marl, Germany. Held regularly since 1965, the event attracts over 12,000 young scientists across Germany to compete for prestigious national awards. Research on a wide variety of subjects from Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences and Astronomy, Mathematics, Computer Science to Physics and Technology was presented.
This year, at the regional event in Marl, 43 different projects were presented by nearly 100 different researchers and everyone was given a tour of the Marl Chemical Park by Vestolit in order to inspire and excite these future scientists on the Chemical Industry.
Given the success of this and previous years events, Vestolit intends to conduct further events in order to encourage further participation at the next competition which will take place in Marl in February 2017.
More information can be found on the website at: