17 Successes
The Animal Carer
Julie is a real friend to animals. She works at an animal refuge, founded by her grandmother in 1978.
At present, they have 70 dogs and 40 cats waiting for a new home with a staff of 36 workers and volunteers helping to take care of them.
"Last year, 450 cats and dogs were adopted," Julie comments. They have to conduct strict inspections of the adoptive families' homes to ensure that they will be well cared for. "If we are not satisfied then we will not let the animal go" she adds.
"Its always satisfying to see a dog leave the refuge and begin a happier chapter in its life - but I know its kennel will not be vacant for long..." Julie says*.
EU estimates suggest there are nearly 100,000,000 abandoned companion animals in Europe (ESDAW). Sanctuaries like L'Arche de Noe provide a much-needed temporary solution in finding new homes for them.
Disinfecting solutions, such as hypochlorite (bleach) help to keep kennels clean and ensure that the animals remain healthy.
For more on this, please check out this website on the long success of hypochlorite.
*We are happy to report that shortly after these photos were taken all animals in the images found loving new owners! You can read more about their activities via their website.