17 Successes
The Farmer
Claude is a traditional farmer with an eye on the future.
“The farm was bought by my grandfather in 1934. He managed it until the 1970s, after which my father took over. My turn came in 1989, although I had been helping out since I was a child.”
Claude particularly enjoys the sense of community that comes with farming, something he tries to encourage during harvest time.
“I bring people together at these key moments, to show the young generation that farming is also about fun and collaboration. After the harvest, for example, we have a grand celebratory meal. I also like to help the other farmers of course.”
On his 25-hectare farm he grows cereal and sugar beet. He also lends some of his land to other farmers to grow potatoes and corn. This type of farming provides Claude and his wife the freedom to go on city trips and spend time with their grown-up children.
And the future? Claude hopes that the farm will remain in the family for the fourth generation. “My daughter is as passionate as I am about this way of life – the future will tell if she takes over!”
In 2015, around 10 million people worked in agriculture in the EU: 4.4% of all people employed*.
Chlor-alkali chemistry helps these people to feed the planet. Potassium hydroxide is used to adjust the soil acidity to help plants take up nutrients and PVC tunnels provide perfect growing conditions for young crops all year round.
With the ever-expanding global population, chlorine things also boost food production whilst protecting the harvested crops.
Discover more about the role of chlor-alkali chemistry in bringing the food to our tables in this video.