17 Successes
The Packager
One result of the popularity of internet shopping is our increasing need for packaging. Wim is the Operations Manager of a cardboard packaging company. He ensures that our purchases are protected on their journey from warehouse to home.
“When I started working here after university – 14 years ago – the factory was working one eight-hour shift. Now we are operational for 17 hours per day.”
Wim’s client-focused approach has contributed to this success. “We help clients with their packaging design, reducing unnecessary complexity in folding and packing when we can. This can make a big difference to cost”.
The environment is another important consideration for Wim “We have a water treatment plant on the premises. Our products are made from recycled paper, and any excess cardboard we produce is also recycled”. Wim’s company also plays a social role, employing people with a disability who may otherwise have difficulty finding work.
Away from the noise of the factory floor, Wim likes to get out into the fresh air by running and cycling “As in my work, I like challenges in my hobbies. Next month, for example, I’ll be on a biking tour of Italy with some serious mountain climbs!”
Chlor-alkali is essential for packaging. Caustic soda is used to make strong Kraft paper and cardboard for transporting items. Sodium chlorate is used as an environmentally friendly wood pulp bleach to make white paper products to carry our special messages. Even polyvinyl chloride (PVC) helps to wrap food to keep it fresh from farm to store to our tables.
Over 647,000 people are employed in the pulp and paper industries across Europe. These people can rely on chlor-alkali chemistry to make their jobs more efficient and sustainable.
Learn more about chlor-alkali’s role in keeping our food fresh here.
*2013 European Commission data